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relief distributed by IIT, GYWS & SERMC

                 raghunath prasad sahu
Gopali Youth Welfare Society has created a team of volunteers and took the responsibility for the door to door distribution of ration to the rural households to ensure basic nutrition for them and their children in this time of crisis.Professor Dipak Kumar Maiti also helped GYWS in availing masks and sanitizers which were distributed among the locals. 2000 families were given
3kg Rice, 2kg Potato, 1/2kg Onion, 100g Nutrella

 IIT authority distributing relief materials under “Alumni Social Welfare
Mission” to financially weaker section members and helpers who are the part of IIT community at PURI GATE (In front of SBI). IIT Registrar prof B.N Singh, security officer S S Jha &others took part in the prog approx 2k people is benefitting in relief prog including toto & rickshaw puller of the campus.

SERMC distribured food to poors
SERMC, Workshop Branches distributed food to needy persons in Barbetia and Jhapetapur areas. More than 300 needy persons were benefited in this program which was conducted in the guidance of Rakesh Kumar Singh, coordinator (WS),

Kharagpur and with the instruction of  S R Mishra, Genl. Secretary, SERMC.
Pradeep Kumar, AJGS(WS), Arnab Mukherjee, Dy. Coordinator (WS), Sekhar,  Shiva Murty, Eswar Rao, Surendra Reddy, Sujoy Bose were present.

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