World Telugu Cultural festival is organised by TANA + 50 countries. The Rastretara Telugu samakhya is co-organiser of this historical event. The programme was inaugurated by hon’ble vice President of India,on 24th July 2020,and many other prominent ministers, MPs of telugu states, and representatives of telugu organisations of different countries. National president of Rastretara Telugu samakhya R sundar Rao delivered his speech in the inaugural session.
RTS executives, and zonal chair persons have mobalised about 4000 participants for competitions delivered in 10 items and 33 sub events. They arranged 170 judges also to judge the performances of about 18000 participants world wide, circulated the zoom Meeting links to all interested telugu assns, schools, other cul. organisations throughout India. R sundar Rao claimed he took initiative to encourage about 300 participants from west bengal including kharagpur, srerampur, titagarh etc through PNK, Vikasanatyamandali, IIT Telugu assn., AYMA etc. Rao congratulated the participants of kharagpur who have reached finals. in different categories like singing, dancing, drawing, drama, telugu poetry, Telugu storey telling etc. 8 judges have taken part from w. Bengal, in which 5 are from RTS kharagpur.

The final results are expected by 1st Aug. Evening. The concluding session will be on 2nd. Evening. The following candidates reached finals.12 more contestants qualify for final in World Telugu Cultural festival, organised by TANA. Total 15 contestant qualified in which 3 names we were decleared earlier.
Classical dance: J Taniya, D .Akila Reddy, P Harshita,T sriinidhi, Deepa Swamy, J Pousika,P Ankita. These are all from vikas natyamandali. Drawing: Divya Swamy, Dwipasa Tana, R Pranati.
Free style Dance: R L.Pragati,
Singing: K Pravalika, P DurgaPrasad, Y Harshita., Seniors : R V S N Murty
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