Kharagour, Milan boy’s club’s 1st AGM held in premhari Bhavan. Club’s new appointed chairman jagdish Prasad agrawal said club was organising Ganesh puja for more than last two decades. Now club has focused on social activity. A new working committee has been formed unamiously among 65 members for the yr 2020-22. Prem sagar Sharma will preside over the committee. Narsing Agarwal has nominated as General secretary, The committee are as follows Working president Manoj kumar Saha, Vice president Srinivas Plley, Rajesh mittal, Joint secretary..Amit Sharma, Anil singh, Treasurer Ranjit kr.Singh, co-Treasurer Manoj singh, Advisors Pritam Singh, Sundar yadav, Bishnu Gupta, Mitesh Agarwal. The committee will focus on social activites like Blood donation camp, education material to poor Children, winter cloths to needy, Honour to ladies, and help to needy occassionly.
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