डीआरएम खड़गपुर, श्री एम.एस. हाशमी ने को खड़गपुर में मालगाड़ी हाईजैक के प्रयास की अप्रिय घटना को टालने के लिए अनुकरणीय साहस, बहादुरी और सूझबूझ दिखाने के लिए ट्रेन मैनेजर (गार्ड), श्री जनक साहू को सम्मानित किया। हालांकि श्री साहू को जीवन के लिए खतरनाक स्थिति का सामना करना पड़ा, उन्होंने कभी भी अपनी शांति नहीं खोई और अपनी सूझबूझ का इस्तेमाल करते हुए चतुराई से स्थिति को संभाला। एक अज्ञात व्यक्ति धारदार चाकू लेकर उनके ब्रेक वैन केबिन में घुस गया और उन्हें बंधक बनाने तथा मालगाड़ी को अगवा करने का प्रयास किया। अपनी सूझबूझ और बहादुरी के कारण उन्होंने न केवल अपनी जान बचाई बल्कि आगे की आवश्यक कार्रवाई के लिए अपराधी को आरपीएफ और जीआरपी को सौंपने में भी कामयाब रहे।
A high mast light is installed near the new booking counter at the North side of Kharagpur Railway Station to provide better illumination at the circulating area for the passengers and commuters

South Eastern Railway Central Hospital, Garden Reach celebrated its 60th Foundation Day on 19.04.2023 at BNR Auditorium, SER Headquarters. Ms Archana Joshi, General Manager, South Eastern Railway was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Dr. A.K.Malhotra, Principal Executive Director (Health), Railway Board, Dr Mihir Kumar Chowdhury, Principal Chief Medical Director/SER, Dr Anjana Malhotra, Medical Director/SER Central Hospital, other Principal Head of the Departments, officers and staff were also present during the programme. Retired doctors, nurses and other staff were felicitated during the Foundation Day celebration.
Ms Archana Joshi, General Manager, SER mentioned the glorious past of SER Central Hospital and the success story of its journey through upgradation and mordernisation. She appreciated the selfless service of doctors, nurses and paramedic staff during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The hospital is rendering exemplary service in comprehensive healthcare, the General Manager added.
Dr. A.K.Malhotra, Principal Executive Director (Health), Railway Board said that SER Central Hospital is unique as the kind of relationship that exists between the doctors and patients is unparallel in Indian Railways. He mentioned the contributions made by the former and present doctors to uphold the tradition of the hospital.
Dr Mihir Kumar Chowdhury, Principal Chief Medical Director/SER said that the hospital is committed to provide best healthcare facilities to the railway employees and beneficiaries. The trend of hard work, dedication and selfless service would continue to scale greater heights, he added.
Dr Anjana Malhotra, Medical Director/SER Central Hospital welcomed the distinguished guests. A colourful cultural programme was also organised
South Eastern Railway celebrated World Heritage Day at its Headquarters, Garden Reach today (18-04-2023). Every year 18th April is observed as World Heritage Day to spread awareness about our rich cultural diversity and importance of preserving ancient heritage. The theme for World Heritage Day 2023 is “Heritage Changes”. Sri Atulya Sinha, Additional General Manager & Chairman, Zonal Heritage Committee, South Eastern Railway was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Principal Head of the Departments, Senior officers and staff were also present during the programme. Addressing the gathering, Sri Sinha said that the Railway Heritage is an inseparable part of our National Heritage and described how Railway Time became the Indian Standard Time. Heritage activities started in Indian Railways with preservation of locomotives, he added. He mentioned about the different measures adopted by SER for preserving its glorious past.
During the programme, presentations prepared by Headquarters and four divisions on the theme “Heritage Changes” were shown to the audience. The topics of the presentations include Heritage and Climate changes, Changes in Railway Heritage, Heritage of Adra Division, Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation initiatives of South Eastern Railway etc.
Sri Pankaj Kumar Gupta, DGM (G) & Secretary Heritage committee welcomed the guests and explained the importance of preserving Railway Heritage and laid emphasis on creating awareness to maintain the legacy for the generations to come.Sri Atulya Sinha, Additional General Manager & Chairman, Zonal Heritage Committee, South Eastern Railway delivered his speech during celebration of World Heritage Day at SER Headquarters, Garden Reach on 18.04.2023.
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